
  • Upcoming Meets
  • Nanaimo Ebbtides – Results
  • Million Metre Challenge
  • North Shore Masters Swim Society
  • Holiday Season Gathering
  • Who is this guy?

Upcoming Meets

  • Victoria Long Course  Meet – January 25, 2025 – FULL
  • Vernon Winter Splash – February 2, 2025
  • English Bay ‘Love to Swim’ – February 8, 2025
  • Chilliwack March Madness – March 1, 2025
  • BC Provincial- Nanaimo – April 25-27, 2025

There still are lots of  races this season. Plan to sign up early. Every meet this year so far has sold out early.

See or

Nanaimo Ebbtides Meet Results

The Nanaimo Ebbtides Meet was held on November 18 and didn’t disappoint. Catherine S and I attended. Catherine set four club records for her efforts. I cheered her on.

Here is a short video of Catherine blasting past the North Shore Masters Club 200 IM record.

We had time for a little Chili and a dash to the ferry.

New Club Records

Catherine S – 200 FR, 200 IM, 100 BK, 50 FL

Million Metre Challenge

In 2022 North Shore Masters Peaked

For the past few years a number of our swimmers have been participating in the Masters Swimming Canada Million Metre Challenge. North Shore Masters has been one of the top swim clubs in Canada since 2021. Sometime around the end of November 2024, the MSC tracking site disappeared without a trace, eliminating a great source of challenge and entertainment for us. The last time I checked our status we were second only to Point Claire in the standings. Looking for another similar challenge? Anyone have any ideas?

North Shore Masters Swim Society

The recent changes in Swimming Canada, Swim BC and on the North Shore is forcing us to look at options to ensure the future of the North Shore Masters as a swim club. Since I last wrote on this topic, North Shore Masters hosted its 12th very successful meet with the support of Chena. Contrary to the messaging that we received at the beginning of the season, the type of organizational arrangement that North Shore Masters have with NVRC falls within Swimming Canada rules and there are many examples of this type of arrangement across BC and the country. It seems that the management of SwimBC wants to limit or eliminate this type of arrangement even though it is within the Swimming Canada rules. The new Swimming Canada system doesn’t seem to support this third option very well or at all based on our experiences getting our club registered this year. The other issue that we have is that fees are rising rapidly. In the past, these fees have been paid by one individual out of his own pocket. This approach is no longer sustainable because of the rising costs.

As a result, a group of us have started looking at our options including forming a registered society. If you are interested in joining the conversation let me know.

Holiday Season Gathering

The idea of a Holiday Season Gathering has been circulating since November. The biggest obstacle was finding a venue that could accommodate it.  Finally, Jen came up with the idea of combining a workout and a social gathering at Harry Jerome. I am sure that running some relays was in the conversation at one time! The relay idea didn’t gain traction, but opening the water slide did this morning! Admittedly, the timing was short, but we sent out invitations to a number of people across that North Shore Master landscape letting people know that there would be a Pot Luck event after the New Year’s day practice for all who wished to attend. While the water slide was big hit, the Pot Luck was well received and attended. Thanks to Stephanie, Jen and Darcie for enabling this event. Those attending seemed to like the idea and realize that Masters swimmers tend not to have much time to socialize. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Who is this guy?

This picture was seen on an LA Billboard this week. Who is this trying the sneak across the Capilano Suspension Bridge?

Happy New Year’s Fly!
