
  • North Shore Masters Sprint Meet Results
  • Send off for Khosro
  • Ottermania Meet Results
  • Nanaimo Ebbtides – Deadline November 18, Meet November 23
  • Possible holiday season gathering

North Shore Masters Sprint Meet Results

This year’s  meet was the best North Shore Masters Sprint meet ever that almost didn’t happen! As usual, it was the first sanctioned masters meet in Canada. The challenges were numerous. There were readiness issues with the new registration system that made organizing the meet very challenging.

In the end 151 swimmers showed up from Greater Vancouver, the Okanagan, Vancouver Island and Calgary. The meet was very successful thanks to the support of the NVRC, Chena Swim Club, our volunteers and especially Khosro.  Thanks to everyone who contributed.

New Club records:

Catherine S – 100 Fly, 100 Free, 50 Fly, 50 Free

Laura T – 100 Free, 50 Back

Send off for Khosro – October 25

Khosro Likes Cucs

Thanks to all who participated in and supported this event held October 25 at the Angry Otter Pub to wish Khosro well. Somewhere between 40 and 50 people were able to attend. It was a good cross-section of masters swimmers, lane swimmers and appreciative NVRC staff. Khosro was in good form probably for the first time since he left NVRC. Stories abounded. He shared with me that he had been apprehensive about this get together but came out of it with a good feeling and I think a sense of closure. He genuinely likes the people that he worked with and coached and it was obvious that that feeling is mutual.

Ottermania Meet Results

1500 metre with NSM Finisher

The Ottermania Meet was the first Long Course meet of the season. Held on November 2. It featured an unusual 7:30 AM 1,500 Free followed by rest of the events at 10:30 AM. This arrangement was said to allow the meet to accommodate more than 170 swimmers in the allotted time. The meet feature live streaming on You Tube at My wife kept tabs on me all day for the comfort of our living room!

Five North Shore Masters swimmers participated.

New Club Records

Catherine S – 400 Free, 100 Fly

Laura T – 100 Free, 50 Breast, 200 Breast, 50 Fly

Euan R – 100 Free

Mike D – 100 Free, 100 Back,

Nanaimo Ebbtides – Deadline November 18, Meet November 23

The Nanaimo Ebbtides Meet is one of my favorites. It is on Vancouver Island but is set up as an easy day trip from the lower mainland by fitting it schedule in between the 10 AM and 5:00 PM ferries. No need to take your car across. Their annual Chili Cookoff is a feature of the meet. It is not mentioned in the Meet Package but they have been known to organize transportation to and from the ferries to make things a little more special for mainland swimmers. If anyone wants to car pool to the ferry, I am in.

Possible holiday season gathering

I have been asked to explore swimmer’s appetite for an all masters swimmers holiday season event given the changes that have taken place over the past year. A few years ago, West Van Masters held an event to which all masters swimmers were invited. It was after a Saturday morning swim workout at venue very close to the West Vancouver Rec centre. If you have an interest in this and any ideas on how it could be accomplished, please let me know.

I have never understood why anyone would choose crawling over flying!
