- Coho Swim
- North Shore Masters Swim Meet – Saturday October 15, 2:30 to 7:30 PM
- Message from the Statsman

After a two year hiatus, the Coho Swim returned this year with it’s second highest number of participants ever! Participants included a good mix of young, old, experienced and beginners.
A big thank you to Coho Festival Society, Ron Den Daas and his crew of volunteers and lifeguards who made the event possible.
See more pictures from Coho Swim 2022 at
See your race results from Sports Stats at for 1.5k and for 3k
North Shore Masters Sprint Meet

The North Shore Masters Sprint Meet is set to go on Saturday October 15 from 2:30 to 7:30 PM. It is listed on the Swimming Canada website waiting to be sanctioned by SwimBC.
We need swimmers and volunteers.
If you are planning to swim, you will need to register with Swimming Canada by contacting Khosro at [email protected] to start the process and register for the meet once it is sanctioned. Khosro needs your Full Name, Date of Birth, email Address, Phone Number and Full Home Address (including postal code and city).
If you are not going to be swimming we would like you to consider volunteering to help run the meet. We will need people for timing, welcoming participants, providing official refreshments if allowed, assisting Khosro, stroke and turn officials.
Message from the Statsman
Here is a link to something that I did not think still existed. There is a Masters Swimmer named Christian Berger who meticulously track the results of every Masters swimmer in every meet in Canada. Here is an example of his 2022 reports.