
  • Coho Swim Online Registration Deadline – September 8
  • Team Aquatics Team Discount Offer
  • North Shore Masters Swim Meet

Coho Swim and Fundraiser – Saturday September 11

Online registration is open until September 8 for $70 and on race day for $80.

Learn about the swim at

Here is the direct link to the Raceroster registration site –

During the registration process participants can opt to make a donation directly to the Coho Society or set up a donation site of their own. If you would like to support me, you can search for Mike Dowling at Donate to Participant.

The Race organization committee is looking for a volunteer who has a medical or industrial first aid to assist at the medical tent in case of an emergency.

Team Aquatics Team Discount Offer

North Shore Masters is pleased to announce that Team Aquatic Supplies has provided our swimmers with a Shark Club discount card image that can be saved on your phones or printed (I presume) and shown at the time of purchase at any of Team Aquatic Supplies stores for a 20% discount. The discount code listed on the card can be used for online store purchases for the same 20% discount.

North Shore Masters Sprint Meet

The North Shore Masters Sprint Meet is set to go on Saturday October 15 from 2:30 to 7:30 PM.

Registration is expected to start next week!

Mark your calendars now! Swimmers and volunteers needed!

Wet suits mandatory at the COHO Swim! No fly for me!