
  • Harry Jerome Kept Open
  • I Wish Mom Was an Octopus
  • Masters Schedules
  • Swim Caps
  • Million Metre Challenge Progress
  • Upcoming Meets

Harry Jerome Kept Open

On November 25, shortly after the “Keep Harry Jerome Open” team had run out of ideas on how to unfreeze the Harry Jerome closure intentions, a major thaw occurred. Thanks to everyone who signed the petition, wrote letters, talked to their politicians and never accepted defeat, we were all able to declare VICTORY! Here is the  link to the North Shore News Article announcement. Thank you for your support of this effort.

As much as I am happy that Harry Jerome is staying open while the new Harry Jerome Rec Centre is built, I have to empathize with the NVRC management and staff who have spent the last 10 months working on the closure plans. 

Staff members have found new jobs or been re-assigned. Things will be different in January.

I Wish Mom Was an Octopus

Lyza, one of our Ron Andrews swimmers, has just published a kids book for Kindergarten to Grade 2 kids. You can buy it on Amazon or get a copy from Lyza directly after December 9.

Masters Schedules

Because Harry Jerome is remaining open, Harry Jerome Masters 6:00 AM and Swim Fit 8:00 AM workouts will continue at Harry Jerome in the New Year. Friday morning 4:45 AM workouts will move Ron Andrews.

Current schedules are available at

North Shore Masters Swim Caps

High quality, durable North Shore Masters silicon swim caps are still available for $10 each. Let me know if you are interested. Quite a few find homes over the Holiday Season. We have lots more. It’s nice to see them across the North Shore at our pools.

Million Metre Challenge (Update)

A small group of North Shore Masters Swimmers are holding their own in the 2021 Masters Swimming Canada Million Metre Challenge. Here are the results so far:

Upcoming Masters Meets

Check for updates at MSABC:

Nanaimo Ebbtides Masters Meet (Completed)November 27, 2021
English Bay SC ‘Love To Swim’ Meet
Sunday, February 13th, 2022 (tentative date)
Vancouver Aquatic Centre, Vancouver
Sunday, Feb 13, 2022
Chilliwack Masters MeetMarch 5, 2022
SPRING SPLASH Meet KelownaMarch 6, 2022
Victoria Masters LC MeetMarch 20, 2022
MSABC Provincial Championships
White Rock
Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre
April 22-24, 2022

Four places to see butterflies on the North Shore – West Van Rec Centre, Harry Jerome, Delbrook and Ron Andrews.

See or on Facebook at North Shore Masters Swim Club