
  • Debbie completes the Open Water Triple Crown
  • North Shore Masters Sprint Meet
  • Swim Caps
  • Shark Card is back
  • Upcoming Meets
  • Special Report – 2023 Vancouver Ironman

Debbie completes the Open Water Triple Crown

In September, Debbie completed the third leg of the Open Water Triple Crown. This is a remarkable achievement.

The Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming is a marathon swimming challenge consisting of three historically important swims:

  • The English Channel, 33 km between France and England
  • Manhattan Island Marathon Swim, a 48.5 km circumnavigation of Manhattan Island, New York City
  • The Catalina Channel, 32.5 km between Catalina Island and the California mainland.

Look for more information on Debbie’s swim here.

Cruising in the Catalina Channel

North Shore Masters Sprint Meet Highlights

The North Shore Masters Sprint Meet was held on Saturday October 14 from 2:30 to 8:00 PM.

Thank you to all the volunteers, officials, NVRC staff and swimmers who came together to make this our most successful meet in its 14 year history. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Over 150 swimmers attended; 15 North Shore Masters
  • Over 45 volunteers made it all possible
  • 11 North Shore Masters club records set – Esteban (4), Laura (3, plus a tie), Pam (1,plus a 5/100th miss), Debbie (1), Scott (1) and Ryan (1). Congratulations to all!
  • See Results and Upcoming Meets
  • Lots of support and enthusiasm for the many great swims.
  • Timers and officials did a great job (see the clip below)

Team Aquatics Team Discount Offer

North Shore Masters is pleased to announce that Team Aquatic Supplies has provided our swimmers with a Shark Club discount card image that can be saved on your phones or printed and shown at the time of purchase at any of Team Aquatic Supplies stores for a 20% discount. The discount code listed on the card can be used for online store purchases for the same 20% discount.

North Shore Masters Swim Caps

The supply of North Shore Masters swim caps at $10 each is almost gone. We are thinking of ordering another hundred caps that will likely be priced at $15 each. We would like to know what the level of interest in the caps would be if we placed an order. Please let me know if you are interested in caps.

Upcoming Meets / Results

EventEvent DateLocationEvent InfoEntry Deadline
North Shore Masters Sprint MeetOctober 19, 2024Harry Jerome PoolResults
Ottermania LCNovember 2, 2024Watermania, Richmond BCResults
Nanaimo EbbtidesNovember 23, 2024Nanaimo BCResultsComplete
Victoria Long Long CourseJanuary 25, 2025Victoria, BCMeet Package
Vernon Winter SplashFebruary 2, 2025Vernon, BCMeet Package
See results on Meet Mobile.
English Bay "Love to Swim"February 8, 2025Vancouver, BCMeet Package
Psych Sheets
Chilliwack March MadnessMarch 1, 2025Chilliwack, BCMeet PackageFull
North Shore Masters Spring Sprint April 6, 2025Harry Jerome PoolMeet Package
Sign-up begins Feb 17 at 8 am
BC ProvincialsApril 25 to 27, 2025Nanaimo, BC
Canadian NationalsMay 2025
BC Open Water ChampionshipsJune 2025

2023 Vancouver Ironman

When Darren found out that the Penticton Ironman was cancelled due to wild fire smoke on the course, he decided to take the refund and create his own Vancouver Ironman. Here is his Vancouver Ironman race report. Its a great read! I couldn’t stop reading it!

Darren Finishes Vancouver Ironman