Happy New Year Swimmers

Topics for discussion:

  • Public Thank You to Rec Commission for Covid Efforts
  • Masks
  • Registration
  • Withdrawals
  • Swimming Parkas
  • Swim Caps
  • Pool Schedules
  • Events

Thank You to Rec Commission and Civic Leaders for Covid-19 Efforts

During a recent lane swim a number of swimmers suggested that we should individually thank the Rec Commission and Civic leaders for their efforts to get the pools open and keep them open under Covid-19 restrictions. They might not know how much we appreciate that we have been able to get back to swimming and how important it is to us. The new registration systems have made it clear how important the pools are to adult users. We can amplify this by personally letting our leaders know how we feel. Here is a link to a list of people that you might consider writing to about this.

Covid-19 Impacts – Masks

Masks are mandatory at all indoor public indoor spaces in BC. The expectation is that all swimmers will wear a mask inside rec centres while not in the pool. Your mask should be last thing that you take off before entering the pool and the first thing on after your swim. Access to Lane swimming is a very positive thing for all of our mental and physical health. Let’s do everything that we can to keep it going safely!


Masters Swimming on the North Shore has been suspended until February 5 at the earliest by the Public Health Office (PHO).

Since the PHO stopped organized fitness programs including Masters Swimming, NVRC lane swimming has been divided into two levels: Lane Swimming Advanced and Lane Swimming. The details are detailed in the program information page.

Class Withdrawals

Many lane swims remain very popular. You are asked help your fellow swimmers by withdrawing from any Class you can’t attend. This really works. On Friday, I found out that my Saturday swim in West Van was cancelled due to Covid-19. I started looking for a place to swim on Saturday in North Van. There was nothing available so I put myself on a waitlist for a couple of swims. Sure enough, a spot opened up, NVRC gave me a call and I got my swim in.

In North Vancouver you can withdraw in a number of ways (in order of preference):

  • Login to your account, click/touch My Info, click/touch your name not the check box, scroll down to and open Schedules, click/touch Switch to List View, and find the course from which you would like to withdraw, scroll right, click/touch Actions and Withdraw.
  • email [email protected] before 5 pm the day before your session at the latest.
  • contact the NVRC at 604-987-Play (7529)
  • If you are swimming at Harry Jerome, you can contact Khosro at [email protected] before 5 pm the day before your session. No late night calls please!

In West Vancouver, click/touch here for instructions for withdrawal. I couldn’t confirm whether the withdrawal process is working using my account.

Swim Parkas

Sommer C. and I have been discussing a possible bulk order for swim parkas. Currently, stock is very limited everywhere and 12 parkas appears to be a minimum bulk order. About 10 people have expressed interest so far. Some no doubt have found Parkas on their own. We will need expressions of interest for more than 12 parkas to get this moving. Here is a review of swim parkas that you might find interesting. Let us know if you are interested or still interested in a North Shore Masters bulk order.

Swim Caps

High quality, durable North Shore Masters silicon swim caps are still available for $10 each. Let me know if you are interested. Quite a few found homes over the Holiday Season. We have lots more. It’s nice to see them across the North Shore at our pools.

North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Popular Lane Swims (Updated)

All posted at https://northshoremasters.ca/training-schedule/.

Lane Swimming Advanced

Harry Jerome Pool – 6 lanes (18 participants per session)

Mon, Wed, and Fri 4:45-5:45 AM

Mon to Fri 6-7 AM

Mon, Wed, and Fri 8:15-9:15 AM

Lane Swimming (formerly Masters)

Delbrook Pool – 6 lanes (18 participants per session) – Lane Swimming

Mon, Wed, and Fri 7:30-8:30 AM

Ron Andrews Pool – 6 lanes (18 participants per session) – Lane Swimming

Mon, Wed, Fri from 10 to 11:00 AM

Tue, Thu from 9:30 to 10:30 AM

Mon, Wed 7:30 to 8:30 PM

Other Lane Swimming

Lane swimming is available at numerous times every day at Delbrook, Harry Jerome and/or Ron Andrews Pools. This is a very good bet! Lots of times and a guaranteed a spot through pre-registration!

Pre-registration is required for all Lane Swimming Sessions. Click here to Book.

West Vancouver Aquatics Centre Schedules

All posted at https://westvancouverrec.ca/spring-summer/adults-19-years/aquatics/masters-swim-club-0

Mon, Wed, Fri 6-7 AM

Tue, Thu 6:15-7:15 PM

Sat 9-10 AM

Pre-registration is required for all West Van Masters Sessions. Click here to Book.

Swimming Events

New Year’s Swim at Batchelor Bay

Few hardy swimmers are still venturing out at Batchelor Bay. Here is a photo of their New Year’s Day high noon swim. I am told that water temperature was 7-8 degrees about the same as the air temperature that day.

 2020 Million Metre Challenge Results

A small group of North Shore Masters Swimmers placed first in BC and fifth in Canada in 2020. If anyone is interested in joining the challenge for a $30 fee to Masters Swimming Canada let me know.

The double lane pool opens up the possibility of a butterfly pass of a slower swimmer. Known as a “Fly By”!