- 455 days since Pandemic closed North Shore Pools
- NVRCC Reservation System Feedback (New)
- Harry Jerome Pool Closure – December 31, 2021 (Updated)
- Withdrawals (Updated)
- Pool Schedules (Updated)
- Events (Updated)
NVRCC Reservation System Feedback (New)
Some time ago, I was asked by a friend to request feedback from our swimmers on how to make NVRCC swim booking experience more efficient. I said that I would be willing collect and collate feedback on your behalves. Unfortunately, I forgot to include this request in my last newsletter. This is an opportunity for you to provide feedback to the NVRCC on your experiences using its booking application. From this feedback there could be possible changes made for the future – potential talk of keeping booking activities online long after the restrictions are lifted.
I think that I can speak for everyone in saying that we are all grateful for the NVRCC’s efforts to keep us safe while keeping the pools open over the past 9 months. You may wish to make suggestions based on other successful apps that you have used for fitness activities and your experience using the NVRCC system. Please provide your feedback by the end of June 2021 (Use comments below).
Harry Jerome Pool Closes – December 31, 2021 (Updated)
It is amazing that a public outcry about the potential loss of a single tree on the Harry Jerome site has resulted in saving the tree, but there has been no outcry about the loss of over 1,000,000 recreation spots with the demolition of the old Harry Jerome Centre at the end of 2021.

There is no possible way to accommodate the loss of this many recreation spots. The public reaction to this sudden unexplained decision has been apathetic so far. Does anyone care about this? Political action can save trees but decisions affecting public mental and physical health for years seem to be unimportant.
Here is a link to a list of politicians and administrators that you should be writing to about this.
Class Withdrawals (Updated)
Masters and lane swims remain more popular than ever. Today there were 9 people on the waitlist for the 6 AM Harry Jerome session, but there were unused spots at the pool because not everyone showed up for or withdrew their reservation. Please help your fellow swimmers by withdrawing from any Class you can’t attend. There are lots of ways to withdraw! Please do!
In North Vancouver, you can withdraw in a number of ways (in order of preference):
- Here is a link to a short video with detailed instruction on how to do withdraw from a session.
- In words, login to your account, click/touch My Info, click/touch your name not the check box, scroll down to and open Schedules, click/touch Switch to List View, and find the course from which you would like to withdraw, scroll right, click/touch Actions and Withdraw.
- email [email protected] before 5 pm the day before your session at the latest.
- contact the NVRC at 604-987-Play (7529)
- If you are swimming at Harry Jerome, you can contact Khosro at [email protected] before 5 pm the day before your session. Warning: Late callers may be subject to public shaming!
North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Popular Lane Swims (Updated)
All posted at
Swimming Events
Open Water Swimming at Batchelor Bay and Cates Park is starting up
Contact Sandy Parkinson for Cates Park or Marty McLaren for Batchelor Bay details.
Vancouver Outdoor Pools Open for the summer
Here is the link that will get you to the reservation pages for the outdoor pools in Vancouver.
North Shore Masters Swim Meet
The first Masters Swim meet in two years is tentatively scheduled for Harry Jerome on Saturday October 16, 2021. Swimmers and volunteers needed!
Hurt my shoulder! Forced to crawl! Trying to learn to fly again!